4 Common Dental Problems
Oral health is very critical for people’s quality of life.
Let’s look into what kind of Dental problems we usually are suffering from, and what can we do about them?
Periodontal Disease (Gum Disease)
Gingivitis is a bacterial infection caused by accumulated plaque, and the early stage and mild form of periodontal disease. The common symptoms of gingivitis are gums that are getting red, swollen, and bleed easily. It may also cause bad breath, and hurt your fragile teeth when you chew. Bad brushing habits such as skipping brushing and wrong brushing, tobacco use, pregnancy, and diabetes can lead to periodontal disease. Sometimes, gingivitis can be painless so you may not notice it. So you should go in for a regular check-up and Minish Dental Clinic does an excellent job in thorough check-ups utilizing high-tech equipment.
Receding Gums
Receding gums is a very common dental problem, and you can easily see yourself in the mirror to see if the gum has been receded. When the gums receded, it exposes the vulnerable root of the tooth and makes it easier to damage. As result, it may ultimately lead to more serious dental issues such as tooth loss. There is a range of factors that may cause receding gums such as poor oral hygiene, brushing your teeth too hard, high blood pressure, hormonal fluctuations in women, and smoking. Even genetic issues might be a factor in receding gums. There are many dental cares for receding gums, and the easiest way is to show proper brushing techniques from the dental clinic. The other ways include cleaning your teeth by a dental expert or applying a slight coating on the gum to prevent it from receding further. However, in severe cases, a gum graft or other form of surgery may be needed.
Root Infection
Root infection is an inflammation of the root naturally present in teeth as passageways run from the crown to the pulp. Cavities, tooth cracks, or fractures are the common factors of root infection, and especially, bacteria from cavities easily infect the root of your tooth and make it swollen. Once the root is severely infected, it may lead to damage tissues and nerves of the tooth and cause pain when you chew and bite. Also, the infection can make you very sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks, and on some occasions, the face around the infection area becomes swollen.
Cracked or Broken Teeth
Cracked or broken teeth are when a crack appears in your tooth, and often caused by injury, biting on hard foods, grinding of teeth at night, and age. A cracked or broken tooth doesn’t look good aesthetically whenever you show your tooth, and even more depending on the extent of the damaged area, a cracked or broken tooth can bring you lots of pain. Even though you think the crack is small, you should see a dentist and examine and treat it as soon as possible. Veneer, Crown, and tooth-colored filling are the way of treating cracked or broken teeth.